Thursday, February 24, 2011

Great Month

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I have been really blessed this month with four auditions. I had to bail on one audition because of the physical challenge. And of the other three auditions, I had two callbacks, one booking and one avail. Yay! I'm getting better, I can feel it. And it all comes down to training and experience.

The training is going to give you the knowledge of what to do. And the experience good and bad is going to give you the confidence of what to do and what not to do. And the more confident you are, the more jobs you book!

I constantly hear from other actor friends who are wondering why I am getting booked and they are not. And it is all about the above. You cannot just sit around waiting for the phone to ring with a booking. The training will keep you sharp and competitive. The more auditions you go on, the more confident you will become.

I have had a reporter from a local publication contact me about doing a print interview. I am going to try to schedule that for sometime tomorrow. And I have been booked on a radio program, Disabled Radio. I am going to be their guest speaker on March 23. So, google Disabled Radio (they are in Chicago) and listen in @ 8 pm CST. I am on the west coast so it will be 6 pm PST.

Tonite I have another acting class. Our guest instructor will be David L Lander from the Laverne & Shirley show. Remember him? Well he has written a book about his bout with multiple sclerosis. And now he is an advocate for hiring disabled actors. Yay, unity in numbers. I am looking forward to the class tonight.

LA all last week and in Vegas this week and then back to LA. I have to be in Santa Monica this weekend and next week in Palm Springs. Yikes! Sometimes I think I need to have a personal driver.

My friend is currently living in Texas and is coming back to California. I worry for him because he has no job and don't even know if he will have a place to live. He talks about going up to San Francisco and finding a rich boyfriend to take care of him. Yikes! Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

I am having a great month -- gotta keep it up. Gotta keep the momentum going. If it is to be, its up to me.

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