Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival

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The 15th annual Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (LALIFF) just ended last night with a gala award ceremony. And who was there? Well, yours truly of course. The event concluded with a red carpet walk, screening of the film Cowboys and Aliens written by latino screenwriter, Roberto Orci and a gala after event party.

I attended with friend and fellow actor, Javier who appeared with me in a recent episode of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. He also worked on the film Attack of the 30 Foot Chola which should be out later this year.

We had a blast watching the film and the award ceremony. It was cool to be at the event located at the famous Egyptian Theater in downtown Hollywood. I saw many celebrities including Edward James Olmos, Esai Morales and Lupe Ontiveros. I also saw friends including Oskar Toruno, Jesse Garcia and Rick Najera.

The food was fabulous and there was alcohol flowing freely. I had a glass of champagne when I arrived and then after the film had a glass of wine. I didn't take my camera because I just wanted to take in the whole experience without worrying about my camera in my purse.

It was very hot and humid in LA and I am talking 94 degrees in the daytime and it was 68 degrees at 1:30 a.m. when I got home. What I wore: white sleeveless tank top, hot pink skirt, gray heels and a pink & orange scarf. Although I was comfortable, I did feel a little underdressed and most of the ladies were wearing short cocktail type dresses. But then they looked hot and uncomfortable and I was cool and comfortable. Someday when I walk the red carpet, I will dress up and be uncomfortable too. But till then, I am going to be comfortable.

It was fun talking with Esai Morales again and I am loving his webisode, Los Americans. He asked me to spread the word so the show can continue. So google the show and watch all the episodes! It's really good writing and good acting and the Latino cast is so good. I am surprised this has not been picked up by one of the networks.

I have some news which I cannot reveal yet but let's just say that it pays to see and be seen at events like this one. A good time was held by all, great atmosphere, good food, good music and latinos celebrating being in front of and behind the camera.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hurray, my Dad is okay!

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Well, there is some good news. My father is home now from the hospital. They kept him there for a few days and ran some tests. They believe he may have had a small stroke. He was sent home today with instructions to take an aspirin a day. I heard all this from my sister and so I will have to call directly to see if this is correct. But I am just so glad that he is home now with my Mom.

Went to the movies last night to see A Better Life and this is the second time I've seen it. It was so good again. Nothing like a great script and great acting. If it comes to a city near you, definitely go see it!

I am very tired today for some reason. Oh yeah, I was awakened at 5:45 am. Then I couldn't go back to sleep. Now it's 12 hours later and I am dragging. Great! Well, I do have some good news.

My agent is sending me out on another audition on Monday for another national commercial. Yay! So excited. I will let you know how it goes after the audition.

A crazy weekend ahead, phone calls to make and going out of town next week. The craziness never ends.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A sad time to be alone

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My family is very private and so am I. However, when family is involved in a personal crisis it just brings everything to a screeching halt. I normally start my day like any other actor, searching the breakdowns for acting jobs. I work with my Agent on my career I don't sit on my behind waiting for her to get me a job. I am very proactive.

I work on my weight issues, I eat only health foods now and drink water and milk. Okay, occasionally I will have a glass of wine. I take acting classes and read acting books. I am an advocate for the disabled, especially other polio survivors.

I make sure my car is clean and the gas tank is filled up and ready to go. I do laundry daily so that if I need a certain wardrobe, I am ready.

And then you get the phone call that you dread. My father has taken ill. Now he is so far away in Ohio and there is nothing I can do other than stand by my telephone. I have many sisters to look out for him and care for him and my mother. However, they also are going through this difficult time. Some panic, some get loud, some remain calm and try to find out all the facts before notifying me and my brother who also lives out of town. We should try to be there for each other. I was or at least I always tried to be the peacemaker when I lived at home.

My father has always been a hard working, dedicated husband and father. I am kinda glad that I am not there to see him in ICU. I just spoke with my mother and she seems a little distracted and kinda scared which is unusual for her. But then they have been married for over 50 years and I can imagine how they each must feel when the other is not there.

I know that my father has seen so many changes through these many years. He has worked so hard all his life to provide for his family. I know he loves to travel and he loves to come out west to see me and my brother. And we love to spoil them when they visit. We go out to eat all the time, they like to gamble. They love San Diego and they love to visit with their grandchildren. My father likes to take his afternoon naps and he falls asleep early to the television as my mother reads her gossip magazines. They both love to eat ice cream and recently my father showed me how to make his famous soup, Caldo de Rez.

On a recent trip to Los Angeles, I got them a hotel room in which to rest before they flew out of LAX to go back home. I was so glad that I took them to one of my favorite restaurants. I was glad that I purchased a bottle of wine, cheese, crackers and grapes. My mother and I happily munched and chatted while my father took a nap. They were well rested and I had made arrangements for my father to get some assistance before boarding his plane back home. I have learned how to speak up for myself, how to travel, how to enjoy good food and home made cooking. I have learned how to be a good parent and how I am humbled each time they bow their heads in prayer before every meal. They are good parents and I am glad and proud to be their daughter. I pray that my mother will have the strength to get through these next few difficult days as my father goes through tests and more days at the hospital.

Part of me wants to get on the next plane back home to offer whatever support I can. And yet I know that my parents would both want me to continue working and representing Latinos in a positive manner. I continue to work hard as I audition and train to become a better actor. It is with their continued love and support that I am here doing what I love and doing what I feel I was born to do. I will continue to pray for my father and I know that right now he is surrounded by family that loves him and a wife who has stood by him for many, many years. Their love is a testament to all that is good and true. I may see them soon, I may see them later. It is all in God's hands and we his faithful sheep must endure.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feature Films

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Yes, people yes it is really me! I have been so busy lately you would not believe it. Last Thursday I met actor Robert David Hall from CSI. He taught our acting class and he is such a gentleman. I took three pages of notes as he shared so much with us. He is a huge advocate for the disabled. He has even spoken in Washington, D.C. and to members of SAG. I was a fan of his show and now I am a fan of David, as he prefers to be called.

And then on Friday, I got an opportunity to audition for Kenneth Castillo. I am a big fan of his work and I finally got to meet him face to face. The audition went well and I received a callback for Wednesday (yesterday). I felt that it went well too and I got a chance to read with another actor, Oscar Torre. I enjoyed his work so much on the cancelled series, Cain with Jimmy Smits. So now I just keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer that I will be the one chosen.

I did not take my laptop with me so I had a ton of emails to attend to when I returned. I haven't written anything for awhile and that is because I am putting all my efforts into being a better actor. And I think my hard work is paying off because while my agent tells me that this is a slow time in the industry, I am still working and auditioning for future work. Thank you, God for the many blessings at this time.

I am meeting new friends, networking and working with some really talented people. I couldn't be happier. So look for me in several films that are in post production right now but should be released soon. And the films are ... Attack of the 30 Ft. Chola, Lean Like A Cholo, The Art Patron and White T. Yes, I can say it now, whew!