Friday, July 31, 2009


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Well, I did not get a callback from the Big Lots commercial audition that I went on yesterday. It's okay, I did my best and that's all you can do.

I did find out that I am doing a promo for Jeopardy next week. Don't know if it's a national promo or just regional but it's all good. I love Jeopardy! I always play along to see how smart I am, or not! I report to the studio next week for hair & makeup. I'm so excited!

I got a call from my friend, David Fernandez. David plays the role of Big Rick in the film 'Attack of the 30 Foot Chola'. I will be in the film too in the role of Rosalinda. My daughter, Rosie is one of the chola girls. She is a good girl who hangs out with some bad girls and they get into trouble. The script is really good and I'm looking forward to filming my portion.

David is going to join me and we are going to drink some fine wine. It sounds so good right now. This is a very tough time for so many people and I can't think of a better way that is legal to medicate myself.

Just kiddin' I'm not really a drinker. The last time I drank like two bottles of wine with some friends, it was not pretty! Such is the life of an actor -- studying lines, looking for new opportunities, working with your agent, improving our craft, and wondering how we are going to eat and pay the rent.

Oh, the life of an artist can be rough. But I love this profession, what can I say?

Kevin Spacey said it best: 'To want, to be ambitious and to want to be successful is not enough! That's just desire. If you feel you have something to give, talent is worth developing. Then, there's nothing you can't achieve'.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Commercial Audition

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I had a commercial audition today and it went pretty well. I saw a friend there and met some new friends, too. I was very tired but you have to put all that behind you when you have an audition.

My left shoe was acting up and so I asked if I could just take my shoes off. And the guy said sure! So I did. And I had to move kinda quickly into the shot so I'm glad I asked about the shoes. I think I did pretty well so I'm hoping to get a callback tomorrow. I'll let you know.

I have another audition tomorrow for a film. So we'll see how that goes. It's a low budget non-union film. The pay is terrible but it is pay and that is what I need right now.

I'm looking forward to shooting a commercial next week and I'll update at that time. Another beautiful day in LA!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Opportunities

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That's the name of the game right now. Staying focused on my career and always looking for those new opportunities. I received a call from my agent yesterday and I will be filming a commercial next week!

I have put in for about 5 jobs all in the entertainment industry. So I am scheduling interviews and still going out for those acting jobs. Life is good!

I had a wonderful talk with my brother last week when I was in Vegas. We shared some brother/sister time and talked about our dreams. Just like when we were young kids. He has grown into quite the smart young man and I am so proud of him. This time he was encouraging me. And we talked about 'The Secret' and other positive things.

Sure enough, I got the official letter that I can now join SAG. And I got the phone call for that national commercial next week. I was chosen and so were 3 others. Yeah!

The universe is blessing me eternally!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Goodnight, Sweet Prince

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Last week as I was on my way to an audition, I heard the news that the King of Pop, Michael Jackson had died. It really shook me as I was driving in rush hour traffic and trying to concentrate on my upcoming audition. I can honestly say I couldn't concentrate. I kept seeing Michael as a little boy performing with his brothers. It was so exciting to see this little boy who was so talented. And you just wanted to see him again and again.

I remember when the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis died. My older sister was crazy about him. She thought I was playing a joke on her when I told her I heard on the radio that Elvis died. Now I know how she felt. We grew up with Michael. We wanted him to succeed. Unfortunately, I never did go to his concerts. By the time I heard he was coming to town, they were already sold out. Michael was a force to be reckoned with. People around the globe imitated him, cried for him, reached out to him.

I received an invitation to attend a gathering to view the memorial services. This event was invitation only and held at Elvis's mansion in Palm Springs. How ironic! Of course I had to attend this event. Security was tight and I had to show my invitation. They took down my driver's license number and personal email address. I had to use the restroom and they told me I couldn't take in my cell phone or camera.

There were about 100 people at the gathering. I wore a black dress, black shoes, little black gloves and a black hat. I wanted to honor Michael as if I knew him personally. I wanted to show my respect. The memorial was beautiful, touching and sad. I honestly wept. I saw photos go off in the corner of my eyes. After the memorial, I wanted to leave immediately.

A reporter approached me and asked for my name because they planned on publishing the photos they took of me. I couldn't speak so I handed him my card. I believe he was from the local newspaper, the Desert Sun.

All I knew was, I was sitting in what was formerly Elvis' home and mourning the King of Pop, Michael. Outside the home there was a huge canvas where we could write notes. I was told these items would be sent to the Jackson family.

I wrote: To Michael, may you finally get the peace that you deserve. Love, Lisa

A gentleman was there with guards because he ran security at Neverland. He brought in some of Michael's personal effects. One of the items was Michael's Fedora hat. We passed it around. And I got to try it on. My head was larger than Michael's! But it was wonderful to try it on. I had to leave because it was just too sad.

There will never be another American treasure like Michael Jackson. May he rest in peace.

Released from Commercial

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Well, I received word from my agent that I have been released from the commercial. I did my best and she said they 'loved me' and will definitely call me back for other work. That's a good sign. To get that close to a really, really good job that I almost got. I can tell my training is helping my confidence level. When the clients are sitting right there and you know they really thought I was good but they decided to go in a different direction -- well, there's nothing you can do about that but chalk it up to experience.

So, I won't think about it anymore tonite and just concentrate on tomorrow.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Possible Callback

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I just received word from my agent that I have been placed 'on hold' for the commercial audition that I was on last week in Santa Monica. I'm very thrilled because I feel that I did a really good job at my audition. I walked in confidently, I smiled and talked a little. I was focused and felt that I did a good audition. Now the holidays came and went -- and my agent said they want to make sure I'm available for a fitting later this week and for filming next week. This is very important because I have been taking classes and taking my acting to the next level. It's so important to take this job seriously because there is so much competition out there. And people are hungry for work. But I don't think about that stuff. I concentrate on myself -- on being professional. Being on time, being focused, being prepared. My classes have helped me so much. And I have been getting lots of encouragement and support from my peers. And it all helps.

I was looking for my rosary so I could pray. I couldn't find it! But I do remember how to pray and I told my agent that I'm going to pray until I hear what the word is. So folks, keep good thoughts and keep me in your prayers.

My good friend, Syl is up for a role in this same commercial too. We've worked together before and she is very sweet. I will pray for her, too. It would be great to work together again.

Blessings to both of us! I will stay focused and remain positive. This job would truly be a blessing and would be another goal that I have set for myself and achieved. I constantly strive for that next level and I truly believe that if it is to be, then it is up to me. And God.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Being a Disabled Actor

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I have an audition today at Ocean Park Casting. I am hoping to have a better July than June. Although June was pretty good. That is my goal this month. In any event, I need some type of paying job. My walleto is looking pretty thin lately.

It's funny, I went to the different casting sites I am on. And there is one section where the disabled actors are listed. I wasn't on there and I should have been included. So I called several people and hopefully they will get that corrected pretty soon. There was one gal on there that is stacked like a Playboy Bunny. She was in several magazine spreads, photos, modeling sites, etc. and no where did she list having any type of disability. So I'm wondering why she is on that site at all! You don't think she would upload her resume on there just to be noticed, do you? It's like able bodied people wouldn't just park in a handicapped spot would they? Exactly!

It is really strange being a disabled actor. You don't want to draw attention to the fact that you are disabled. And yet there are certain things that we cannot do. If you are in a wheelchair and the part calls for running away from a bad guy down the alley and climbing over the fence to get away. Well, I'd have to pass on that role. However, if you go to a casting office and say hi! I'm disabled, please hire me. Yeah, like that would ever happen.

So we have to go in as confidently as we can and show what we can do. And not what we cannot do. But then if they are casting a character in a wheelchair, why would you hire an able bodied person to be in a wheelchair. Why don't you hire someone who really is in a wheelchair?

One in every 6 people are disabled in this country. Why are we not seen more in commercials and on television/films? If your project is a SAG project you can actually get money for using disabled actors in your low budget SAG film. It's a win-win situation.

I have met some fantastic actors recently. One just happens to be blind. Another is deaf but can read lips and can sign. Another is cute as a button and happens to be in a wheelchair. Another lost his leg from a motorcycle accident. They are good actors who just want a chance like everyone else in Hollywood.

I am writing and performing an original piece of work on exactly this theme. You can bet that I'll do my best at this audition. I won't draw any attention to the fact that I am disabled. I will show them what I can do and not what I can't. Give us respect and dignity. Many times our dignity goes out the window. And we must laugh at ourselves. Don't laugh at us, laugh with us.

Wow, I don't know where all that came from. I just love my friends and fellow disabled actors. We all look out for each other and encourage each other. I hope to be an inspiration to someone. I got fitted for my leg braces the other day and that was tough. But I am told it will help me to walk better, feel better and have more energy. Sounds good to me. Anything that will help my balance so I'm not falling over is a good thing. I even have a cane and now all I have to do is perfect my Charlie Chaplin walk and I'll be good to go.

I happen to be a polio survivor. FDR is my role model. He had polio too and look at all that he accomplished.

Off to another audition in la la land...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

SAG Eligible

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Oh my! So many deaths in LA lately. Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson. I still can't believe it. I have been in LA so much between acting classes, auditions and actually working. I had an audition on Thursday that did not go well. And I worked in Sherman Oaks on Friday on an industrial. That went very well. I sent a thank you note to the casting director and then he hired me again to work on Monday for Style Network, "How Do I Look"? An easy gig for not that much pay. But it is still pay nevertheless.

Also, after I wrapped filming on Friday I had to pop into the Screen Actors Guild to drop off some paperwork. I am now officially able to join SAG and I'm so excited because I really worked hard to making this dream come true. Yes, there is a lot of non union work out there and it is a good way to learn about this business. But I want to officially be on that next level of being a professional actor in SAG. Here is a photo of me in front of the SAG offices on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. Yeah, me!

I received an email from Blanca Valdez Casting. She thanked me for recommending her to a Producer. Of course, Blanca! I met her earlier this year and I am so glad that she remembered me.

Must write more and really get centered on my piece that I will be performing later this year at the Stella Adler theater. Very exciting stuff. I am reading and studying everything from Method acting to screenwriting.

Stay tuned!