Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hooray for Hollywood

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An audition, finally! It has been very slow for me lately. Too bad I'm not in the age group that is very popular right now 18 - 24. When I was that age I didn't have a clue about show business, modeling, money management. I did have some experience under my belt and some training but nothing of the caliber that I have now. Where are the rewards for experience?

I think I did pretty well so we shall see what happens next.

One of my friends and former teachers was going to be on an episode of No Ordinary Family and her scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. I felt so bad for her but that is happened to all of us at one point or another. She is so talented too so I am not worried for her because I know she will land on her feet.

Too bad about Jimmy Smits new series, Outlaw. It is not doing that well in the ratings and I think it will get canceled. If you watch the commercials, he looks so angry all the time. And who wants to watch an angry screaming guy? Not me. He was so good in the series Cane. Too bad that got cancelled because of the writing strike by the WGA.

It's good to see Tom Selleck back on TV again and I heard that his new series Blue Blood has gone through the roof. Good for him. Let's see an Irish Catholic family of cops, yup sounds like a winner to me.

Another good new series is Detroit 187 which I heard is actually filmed in Detroit. Love Michael Imperioli ever since he was on The Sopranos. Another cop film and I do like his character.

Here is hoping that the new series will bring more work into Hollywood and more work for us actors too. Don't like reality tv except for the Amazing Race!

And I actually filmed an episode of Pit Boss last year but it never got televised and probably never will. No worries. Once I become a big TV star, they will probably drag it out, dust off the spider webs and air it.

Oh, did you hear that George & Ann Lopez are getting a divorce? So sad. I remember interviewing him last year for the Kidney foundation. They were both there. She was giving an interview to someone else and I was standing in the wings. I heard the guy ask him if George was pretty well set in his career when they met and Ann said he didn't have $5 to his name. She was the one who was casting and he came in looking for a job. She said he didn't get the job but he did get her. I thought that was so sweet. I feel badly that another Hollywood couple has bit the dust.

My friends are working hard on their careers and I have to step up my game. It felt good to see the Hollywood sign, rehearse my lines and go in on an audition again. I just know that there is a job with my name on it. I just won't give up, it's not in my nature.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy Fall

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I am coming to you live from my backyard and I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Fall. As for me, it is 100 degrees outside and I just got out of my pool. I've hung up my swimsuit and I'm sitting here on my chaise lounge in a towel. And sunglasses. I have a cool drink on my stand (lemonade) and I'm listening to Andrea Bocelli.

Don't know why I've been in such a funk lately. Well yes I do know why but I'm not going to get into that right now. My last blog I was talking about getting on a plane and leaving San Diego for anywhere. But actually, I have been missing Seattle big time.

Several years ago my hubby was in a position where he was in charge of the west coast. He had some business in Portland and we have some friends up there. We decided to mix business with some vacation time. We flew up to Portland, rented a car and after his business was concluded we spent some time with our friends. We had a lovely time seeing the city. We spent one day on his boat and saw the city from the water. So many bridges. I really enjoyed Portland. After a few days we left and drove up to Seattle. What a blast. I couldn't believe how beautiful the scenery was.

I am from the east so I missed the evergreen trees. I also missed the seasons so much. I believe we were there in July and the weather was quite cool up there. Unfortunately, I only brought southern CA clothing so I was freezing up there. Fortunately our friends were kind enough to loan me a jacket. Can you imagine wearing a jacket in the middle of July? But there ya go.

Is anyone from Seattle? I'll tell ya I would love to retire up there. I know you get tons of rain and snow but it's such a beautiful city. I am sitting in my backyard surrounded by six palm trees, tons of bushes, roses and of course a lovely pool. We have a little fountain that I water daily and the birds just love to come and take a splash. We have a lovely jasmine bush that the hummingbirds love. I love to just come back here and relax in the shade and enjoy the lovely warm weather.

I remember growing up in cold northwestern Ohio. The doctors would always tell my mother that the best thing she could do for my polio legs was move to the southwest. And here I am. And now what am I thinking of? Moving up north. I don't know, I really miss the seasons. Fall was always my favorite time of year.

And it's still strange to cook a Thanksgiving dinner in the oven when it's 80 degrees outside. I guess I'm feeling a little homesick. Not for Ohio but for my family. I have a huge Latino family. It's not unusual to have 36 people in the house and that is not everyone either. Sometimes when I go back to visit I get a little overwhelmed.

One of my favorite photos of my eldest son is when he was around 4 years old and we were playing in the leaves. He had a cute little jacket on that his grandma Mary Ann had bought for him. He looked so happy. Now he is in Italy! I wonder if he misses us and if he remembers those days?

This is my dream home. Sitting in my backyard, relaxing from a swim and typing away on my laptop. Should I work on my book? Should we go out to dinner or cook on the grill again? Decisions, decisions. Yes, I think going out to dinner is in order. A nice shower, a sundress, splash of perfume and a little makeup. Walk into a restaurant with my hubby's hand in mine. Can life get any finer than this?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dysfunction Junction

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My friend, Patty once said Lisa, I think my family is dysfunctional. I said who's family isn't? At some point in time you will recognize that your family is crazy. The only family that isn't is on TV and that of course, isn't real. I had to laugh because that is so true. Remember in "Back to the Future" when Martie went back in time and saw his little future Uncle in the baby play pen and said, 'better get used to these bars, kid". And sure enough, his Uncle would land himself in prison later.

I am starting to dread the upcoming holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ugh! I do like New Year's because we can all get a fresh start on a new year and hopefully make everything better. Now I am a good person, and I am a good cook. To me, my idea of the holidays would be to gather my family and we all volunteer at a local shelter. We cook and serve food to those less fortunate than ourselves. Our children would see that we are truly fortunate. We would get a paycheck of the heart by doing something for someone else.

Or, we could rent a cabin up at Big Bear. Play in the snow, ride on a sleigh and throw snowballs at each other! My hubby and I can get away from cellphones and computers. We could toast each other with a nice glass of wine as we sit in front of a fireplace. We could keep each other warm at night!

Or, we could take a trip back east and visit our family in Ohio. We could eat wonderful food, cooking together, opening gifts and catching up on family gossip. Our kids could stay here at my California home and cook their own dinner. They only come to eat anyway, then they leave. They wouldn't even notice that I'm not there this year.

But no, I'll tell you exactly what will happen because it happens every year. I will spend two entire days cleaning the house to perfection. We will spend one whole day decorating the house and putting up the Christmas tree. I will spend two hours at the grocery store getting everything needed for a beautiful dinner and dessert including beverages and wine for later. The kids will promise to come help with the cleaning and the cooking but of course they never do. There is always an excuse for oversleeping, a hangover, partying too late with their friends or some other drama that prevents them from keeping said original promise. So of course, I will overdo it and pay for it later with polio aches and pains. I will not complain because frankly it does no good and I'm tired of hearing myself talk.

My husband will invite his brother Tony to come and spend the holidays with us. Tony will need constant care and attention because he does need it. He also eats like a horse. At least someone appreciates my cooking! He loves to watch sports, any sports on our one and only television set which means I can't watch what I want to watch. My husband will spend all of his time watching him and not paying attention to me. I will get hurt and start drinking way too much just to ease the loneliness and pain of spending another Christmas holiday alone.

My son John is stationed overseas and this will be another year that I will not get to spend with him and my grandson. My other son could care less about tradition. He comes to eat then he either leaves to go home or he leaves and spends time with his friends here. In any event, he leaves. Same with my daughter. Her friends are more important than spending time with family. They'll open their gifts, eat and then leave. All the preparation is over in two hours. Then I am free to put away all the leftovers and clean the kitchen which looks like a disaster area. After all this work, I will drop in bed from exhaustion or being pissed off and drunk.

Gee, I can't wait. The holidays suck big time. I hate them and I hate that this happens every year and I feel helpless but there is nothing I can do about it. What would I like to do? Get on a plane in San Diego and go anywhere but here. And to think, I signed up for this.

Monday, September 20, 2010

News from LaLa Land

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Auditions are being held for a project with actress Holly Robinson-Peete. They are searching for attractive women (30 - 45 yrs old) who are in need of some new tips and tricks in fashion and make-up. This must be a new show possibly Bravo? Did everyone watch Holly when she was on the Apprentice last season with the Donald? She looked fabulous and she is one tough cookie. I am not going for that audition but if this is you and you live in the LA area, go for it!

I heard about a low budget film that is looking for production assistants so I sent my cover letter and resume. And guess what? This is a non-paying job. I am so tired of folks wanting others to work for copy, credit and a meal. Now in Hollywood talk that means when the production is over and the project is completed you will get your name in the credits, they will feed you lunch while working on the set and you will get a copy of the film. In all the time I have worked either as an actor or a production assistant I have literally had to beg to get a copy of the work. I've only received two!!! Now if you are just starting out and have zero experience then by all means go for it. But if you have paid your dues and are eligible to join a union like SAG or AFTRA then join. It puts you in that professional category and you get treated as such.

Lots of new TV shows that are airing soon. I saw Hellcats and I saw Outlaw. To tell you the truth, I didn't really care for either one and I Love Jimmy Smits. I am looking forward to the new Hawaii Five-O. What new TV shows are you excited about?

I have been in a little bit of a funk lately and I am sorry about that. I have determined that yes I have polio but I am not polio. I will not let it define me. And I believe in The Secret. I am determined to be more positive and I know that positive energy will flow in me and through me and out into the universe. And the Universe will bless me with good things including a great job and new opportunities to audition and show what I can do. And that is the Hollywood minute from me!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Potpourri for $1000, Alex

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I was going to write about how I hate to see doctors but I decided to change my mind so this blog is going to be about potpourri. That's right, a mish mash of stuff.

Some of you may know that I am a history buff. Love it! I just finished reading a book about Teri Garr and her bout with muscular sclerosis, another book about Mr. & Mrs. Lew Wasserman and Universal Studios, a book about Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. I am an avid book reader. I recently started going to the library again because if it were up to me, I would have purchased all those books. But now I can read what I want for free and return them to the library for others to enjoy them too. It's a good thing!

I am saddened that there is nothing good on TV tonight. I saw "Glee" last night and I honestly tried to like the show but it is so sappy that I kept it on just hoping it would get better. It didn't. I did see Josh Groban on the show and I do like him. Oh well. And the funny thing is I was in the Glee Club all through high school and loved it. But of course it was so different from the TV show and that is Hollywood for you. The thing that really irks me about that show is the young guy in the wheelchair who is an able-bodied actor. Why didn't they hire a real disabled person? Because they said they couldn't find one who could act and sing like this guy. Right and Beyonce is a natural blonde. Meow!

Went with my hubby to work yesterday and what a long day. We were travelling all over Orange County. Boy, talk about the haves and the have nots. If you want to know what I'm talking about, just watch an episode of Real Housewives Orange County. It was really sad to see such a beautiful area and to see so many latinos riding bikes, pushing baby strollers and waiting at bus stops. Are things ever going to improve for my people? Until we get in positions of power how are we going to be perceived in Hollywood? Because I for one do not want to play the stereotypical maid/waitress/nanny/hooker.

Good news! I heard that my parents are coming to Las Vegas. A niece is getting married in Vegas (18 years old) and they have invited the grandparents to come too. My brother lives there so I'm sure Mom & Dad will spend some time with him. Then they will want me to drive over there and pick them and spend a few weeks at my home. That's fine. I haven't seen them since May and I do miss them. It's just difficult having house guests when I haven't been working in awhile. They like to go to the casinos and they like to go out to eat. And all of that costs moola. I guess we will be cooking at home for them and they can just relax out by the pool.

I have been good about trying not to over do it. And even though I was fighting it, I caught a cat nap on the couch while I was watching the Biography of Henry VIII. Guess when your body is tired, I must listen.

Now that summer is winding down and fall is around the corner it brings back memories of going back to school, seeing old friends again and shopping for school supplies. I miss it and yes I miss going to Catholic school and being challenged by the nuns to do better. Good times. What are some of your favorite memories?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Light a Candle for Me

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I wish I could say that I had five auditions this week and a callback or two. But the truth is I am hearing that it is slow. Here is a photo of me and Santa filming a Capital One commercial at Universal Studio. Don't you love my pointy ears? I had just gotten signed by my agent and the next month I had an audition at one of the biggest casting agencies in town. It was an easy audition and I got the gig. Two days work, great pay and a chance to work on a national commercial.

My friends are booking things here and there and if you get an opportunity to audition for a commercial that is a good thing. I need more! I had a dream last night that I was working on a film and got the scene in only 2 takes. That's very good. So maybe that is dream of things to come. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for me.

I am practicing my espanol, watching my diet and I am going to exercise today if it kills me. I am supposed to swim daily but it has been a little colder this week than last week and I didn't go. But I can do other things to get my heart pumping.

I went to several polio support group meetings . I attended a meeting in Hemet and one in Riverside. I also drove down to San Diego to meet their group. Everyone at all three locations were so kind. It was nice to see Rick again in Hemet and Judy in Riverside. I met Gladys in San Diego and she was so welcoming. Everyone seemed to know who I was already and that was a nice feeling. I'm sure I will see photos on the website soon and that is okay with me.

Big things going on for the family. My son had a milestone birthday. I felt bad because I did not see him. I thought he would go out with his girlfriend and actually he stayed home. My little grandson turned 2 years old and I couldn't see him either because he lives abroad. I wish my family were not so scattered all over the U.S. like we are.

Bottom line is this. I have many talents. Writing, interviewing people. Acting and all the other jobs I have done. I have skills. I am not going to give up on me and my dreams. I am creative and smart. I am financially very savvy. Show business is business first. I feel as though I am not utilizing all my skills as I should be. But I will get there. It ain't over for me. Hard work and talent will yield abundant fruit. But just to be safe, if you are Catholic, please light a candle for me.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oy Vey!

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When I brought my house 3 years ago, it was a wonderful quiet and peaceful neighborhood. I visited the home several times before we made an offer to purchase. I came during different times of the day and weekends. I even spoke with several neighbors who lived further down my street. They seemed very nice. The neighborhood is clean with no visible debris on the street. We purchased the home and the following year my neighbor to my right moved to a senior community area in Phoenix. My neighbor to my left decided to move away and left the home to renters.

The guy directly across the street rents his home out too. It seems that every year there are different folks living there. Now I am an easy going gal and I work from home. But the new neighbors are so loud. I think there are two families living in that home. There is constant noise from Moms screaming at toddlers, others driving up and blaring their car horns. Folks driving down the street with music blaring anything from country to rap. Ugh! I feel like the grinch when I say oh the noise, noise, noise!

When did we all become so uncivilized? I hear people screaming into their cell phones, kids running up and down in restaurants and car horns blaring away. It would have taken this neighbor a few moments to get out of her car and walk up to the house and ring the doorbell to let her know she arrived. Instead, she just layed on the car horn over and over and over.

Do you know that each city has noise pollution laws? In most cities it is against the law to make a loud racket from lawnmowers before 9:00 a.m. And yet, gardeners will cut grass at 7:30 a..m. I know here in Southern California the weather does get really hot at even 9 a.m. and perhaps they are getting a jump on the heat and possibly avoiding sunburn too. But 7:30 a.m.? Yikes!

Are you guilty of screaming on the cell phone in the grocery store, in line to pick up a prescription or at a restaurant? Do your children run wild like little heathens in restaurants? Do you still drive a huge minivan and pull in front of smaller cars? Or worse, park in spots designated with "compact only" signs there in front of you?

Ten lashes with the wet noodle for you! If we all did our part to be a little more respectful of each other, wouldn't our world be that much better and quieter? Let us all be better neighbors. And then, oy vey what a wonderful world this would be. Yes, I know... I am Latina. And if others can say Hasta la vista, baby then I can say oy vey!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Be Good to Yourself

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Yesterday was my son's birthday. Now my son is a middle son. One older brother and one younger sister. My hubby is a middle child and I am a middle child. Middle children are considered very intelligent and very independent. Older children demand more attention. Younger children need us more. And so middle children many times have to fend for themselves and that makes them more independent. He teaches me things every day. Sometimes I want to hear what he has to say and to be honest, sometimes I don't.

I had not seen him for awhile as he lives in Orange County. So when I did finally see him what did I talk about? Me. He later told my hubby that I was very self-centered. I felt bad but what he doesn't know is that acting is my job. And sorry if it sounds self-centered but I do go on auditions and many times I don't get the job. There are acting lessons, auditions and talking with my Agent. And that is my world right now.

There are no jobs in southern CA. Believe me, I have gone on interviews and sent out countless resumes. I have excellent references and good job history and I can't find a job. So I may as well go for it and go on every audition that I can. I can make anywhere from $100/day to $500/day and that is not bad money.

Speaking lines on national commercials can get you $80,000 for one commercial. Not bad money. So yes, it is a lucrative job but the competition is fierce. So many talented, young, good-looking and very talented folks out there who are going out for the same roles as me.

I recently auditioned for a national Walgreens commercial called "Diane". Now all the ladies that were auditioning too were Latina, in my age group and we were Moms to a young lady around 13 years old. Two weeks later, the commercial is on TV and it looks great! I had a good audition and I did everything that the actress did in the final commercial. But my Agent said don't worry about it, cause you never know what they are looking for and that is so true.

In "the Secret" we are taught to speak and think positive things and we bring about what we think about. I do believe that is true. I know that this job was not meant for me but rather for that other actress. I am happy for her because I know that my commercial is around the corner and I will get it in due time.

I am exercising daily, I am eating better. I practice my Spanish every day to improve my writing and reading skills. I am spending more time with loved ones and continue to work on my craft. In general, I am enjoying life.

We set examples for our children. Eat moderately, nothing wrong with an occasional glass of wine. Exercise and be good to your body. Enjoy your friends but remember to be good to your family.