Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thank Goodness for Friends!

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What can I say? I love my friends! I went on another national commercial audition last Friday for a grocery store chain. And Friday evening I attended a commercial workshop given by my Agent. It was great, she was great and we all had a good time. I spent the weekend in LA; went to the Farmers Market, had a lovely lunch with Donna. For dinner we met with our friend, Andy Arias. We had a good time catching up at Jerry's Deli in Studio City. Then, we watched the hilarious Mommie Dearest! What a blast!

I came home and cooked dinner the following day. I made chicken enchiladas. Tonite I am making pork spareribs, baked beans and spinach salad! I am getting to be quite the cook lately.

I heard my friend, Hector Luis Bustamante is filming an upcoming episode of Bones. I love that tv show and hope to be on it someday, too! I love it when my friends do well and I have to remind myself to have fun at the auditions, be myself and not take it too seriously.

Where would be be without our friends? Speaking of which, there is one former friend who is trying to get a hold of me. Some friendships should go away and stay away. Same with crazy relatives. Stay away! Do I have to wear a garlic necklace or wear a silver cross? Gees!

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