Saturday, February 27, 2010

Buy Costumes.Com

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Yes, it is that time of year again. Time to start thinking about St. Patrick's Day costumes. I am a petite gal and have been hired as a little person for several gigs. I was a Christmas Elf in a commercial. I was an Angel in a film. And I recently was in Renaissance attire in a TV show for Nickelodeon.

One of my favorite online shopping sites is the website:
You should check it out! They have wigs, shoes, petticoats, full costumes, hats, jewelry, make-up, and even underwear.

I found so many wonderful things I would love to have. So far, I have an elf outfit, a clown outfit, hospital scrubs, a doctor's lab coat & stethoscope. So fun, love it!

My birthday is coming up and I would love a gift certificate to Buy Costumes. But, is it rude to ask for a gift certificate or cash so I can buy what I want? I have been told yes, it is rude. But, I would rather have this than some flowers. And it is my birthday, after all.

Oh well, something to think about.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Quiet Week

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It's been a quiet week, no new auditions this week and no callbacks. Oh well, all I can do is my best and let it go. So much rejection in Hollywood but I have to stay strong and trust that I am a good actor. I have been asked to audition for several theater projects but I don't want to do theater right now, I am concentrating on commercial work and film.

I am excited about a new acting class starting in early April. In the meantime, I need new headshots. I have a new photographer in mind so now it is a matter of scheduling her.

Looking forward to the Academy Awards again. Many good films and I can't believe I still haven't seen Avatar. I was supposed to see it with my son and I still want to schedule that with the whole family. Fun!

I love my new Agent! She called me the other day and it reminded me to send her a thank you note. I know, old fashioned but what is wrong with a little courtesy?

I sent a text message to my friend, Hector Luis Bustamante and he wished me well on my commercial audition last Friday. So sweet! Love Hector!

I can't believe my birthday is next week already! I would love to have a massage, get my hair done, get a mani & pedi. Too bad my sisters live in Ohio! I miss them.
But I don't miss the bad weather. It is going to be 71 degrees today and this is just the kind of February for me. Maybe I can schedule Vegas for next week? Hmmm

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thank Goodness for Friends!

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What can I say? I love my friends! I went on another national commercial audition last Friday for a grocery store chain. And Friday evening I attended a commercial workshop given by my Agent. It was great, she was great and we all had a good time. I spent the weekend in LA; went to the Farmers Market, had a lovely lunch with Donna. For dinner we met with our friend, Andy Arias. We had a good time catching up at Jerry's Deli in Studio City. Then, we watched the hilarious Mommie Dearest! What a blast!

I came home and cooked dinner the following day. I made chicken enchiladas. Tonite I am making pork spareribs, baked beans and spinach salad! I am getting to be quite the cook lately.

I heard my friend, Hector Luis Bustamante is filming an upcoming episode of Bones. I love that tv show and hope to be on it someday, too! I love it when my friends do well and I have to remind myself to have fun at the auditions, be myself and not take it too seriously.

Where would be be without our friends? Speaking of which, there is one former friend who is trying to get a hold of me. Some friendships should go away and stay away. Same with crazy relatives. Stay away! Do I have to wear a garlic necklace or wear a silver cross? Gees!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


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I submitted myself for some featured background work in the new television series for Teen Nick's "Gigantic". I worked on that show several months ago. It was so nice to check in and get a Union voucher instead of Non-Union. I enjoyed working with the crew, everyone was so professional on the set. And the food was fantastic! So you can imagine how thrilled I was to be called back to work on the set again.

I understand the show will be out sometime in April. Now for those of you out there that don't understand the film industry, background extras are a starting point for many actors. The pay is low $64 for an 8 hour day. But many times the production does run over 8 hours so now they have to pay you Overtime. Background work is a good place to start because you get to watch how everything works. You definitely see a pecking order from Director to 1st director, 2nd director down to the Production Assistants. And you see the lead actors (stars), co-stars, recurring actors, featured actors and finally background actors. Background doesn't have any speaking lines but are necessary to fill up the space and to set the mood.

I have done my share of background work and while interesting, I did want to move up to a featured extra, more money -- in more scenes and we get treated better. Also, sometimes we get extra camera time and they may even give us a line or two which is great. I would love to be a regular recurring actor on a television series.

One of the first things we did on Thursday (shooting day) was get into character. We were supposed to be working on a film something like "Lord of the Rings" and so we had renaissance costumes. My skirt was too long, my pantyhose was too short and my shoes were too tight. But we have to smile and keep on acting. I'm glad there was no photo taken of me because I was feeling fat! It's true I have gained some weight and oh, now I have to lose it!

It's funny how sometimes we have this mental picture in our head of what we look like and I still see that beautiful 19 year old girl that met her husband. Curvy shape, long dark hair and beautiful skin. Now there are more curves than I would like. My hair is cut shorter and my skin is needing more care these days. Oh well, that is life.

I was in Vegas on Tuesday & Wednesday visiting my brother who had guests, my parents and my sister. It was great to see them again and we had a good time catching up. We drove home on Wednesday evening. I got up so early on Thursday, drove to the set and worked all day.

On Saturday, I met with my Agent and we had a nice long chat. I am going to take some new headshots and take some more classes. I think that will help me so much to not only go on more auditions, but to go on callbacks and book some of these jobs. I am trying to remain positive.

I just feel like the whole world is spinning so fast and I wish I could slow it down. I can't even say I need a vacation because my home is like a vacation. I like to keep it clean. I like it quiet so I can think. And once it warms up again, I will be working on my laptop next to my pool. Gotta love California.

I haven't been writing for the magazine so much lately. I just really feel like I need to devote this time to me right now. Perhaps I will do some volunteer work to make a difference and get out of my head. That can only help me be a better actor right?

Gigantic -- coming soon to Teen Nick -- in April.