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Hello again and welcome to What's My Line... just kidding. I am sitting home on a Saturday night with my laptop. The television is muted because I can't seem to concentrate on two things at once. I am thinking about the leftover Chinese food in the refrigerator. But it's too late to eat and I had a chocolate candy bar today which I probably shouldn't have eaten. However, I have been craving chocolate and once presented, I had to eat it.
I watched my friends on the new episode of Pit Boss. Yes, I worked with Sebastian and Ronald on a film pilot last year. We had a really good time playing the role of angels in heaven. My other friend, Lexi is rehearsing for a new play. I am still waiting to see my episodes of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant and Childrens Hospital.
I spoke with my former boss, Rick Najera (pictured here with me). I saw him recently at the CBS Diversity Showcase in N. Hollywood. It was good to see him again as I interned with him last year when he was Senior V. P. @ Movido TV. I really enjoyed working with Rick, he is such a talented and gifted writer and actor. I recently read his play, Diary of a Dad Man and I cried. It was very moving. I hope to be able to write as well as Rick does someday.
It's very exciting to see your friends working so hard on projects and then I get to watch them on television or in film/theater. I know there is so much work and training to get to that level. I may have to write another show for myself since I am auditioning but haven't really booked anything significant for awhile.
So far away from little Ohio. I sometimes wonder what my high school friends would think about how far I have come. I was very shy but I was very interested in theater and had started writing too. Now I write for a Latino magazine and I have been on television and a few films. They probably would be very surprised. Who keeps in touch with folks from high school anyway?
I miss my friends from some of my old jobs back home. When I worked at the police department I made some good friends. Most of them were men, police officers. They really looked out for me and I learned so much from them. It's a shame how you only hear about the bad cops, not the good ones. They've probably all retired and moved away to a warmer climate.
I remember how I would keep some writing tablets and plenty of pens in my police car. During my half hour lunch period I would find a shady tree. I would park the car, go into the trunk of my car and retrieve the writing tablet and start writing. I wanted to go to Los Angeles so badly. I had never been there but I was there in my imagination. I pictured the tall buildings and the crowded streets. I'd picture myself going out for auditions and finding my way through the maze of LA traffic. And now here I am. I don't know how I envisioned that for myself but I did. It seemed so real to me, like I was seeing the life I should be living instead of writing parking tickets and directing traffic. And now -- here I am. Who says dreams don't come true?
I have an interview to set up -- I have some research to do. I have friends who are performing at a comedy club and I'd like to support them. I have friends to catch up with. The only constant thing about life is change. You have to adapt to change. I miss the ways things were sometimes. But then again, you never know what is around the corner.
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