Monday, January 31, 2011

Audition Tomorrow

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Yes! An audition tomorrow for a really cool (and easy) project. I am hoping I do well enough to book this gig. It pays really well and I know my agent would love it if I get the gig. So keep your fingers crossed for me. If I don't get this, I swear I'm moving away, far, far away.

I was looking up some old friends today and heard from one of them. She is involved in the Rotary Club. I was glad because they do so much for so many. The Rotary Club is trying to wipe out polio around the world. I was asked to be a guest speaker at one of the local chapters. It was very interesting. And they presented me with a book on all that the Rotary International is doing around the world. I felt quite honored.

I have to get an early start on my day tomorrow. I am very tired today. I took a bath, got dressed. Made out a grocery list, went to the store. Came home and started making some home made soup (caldo). Dinner came out really good. I also sent out two job resumes and then received the email notification of the audition tomorrow.

It's a little chilly in the air but I can't complain. I feel so badly for everyone back home who are going through a really rough winter. I don't know how they do it. It gets down to 50 degrees here and everyone complains. I myself get some logs and throw them in the fireplace. Gees! But when you are a polio survivor like I am, then it is imperative that we stay warm. I am sitting here on the sofa with a blanket over my legs and a pillow for my back and I am still in pain.

I really don't talk about it much. At least, I don't think I do. But being an actor with a disability is not easy. We also have our own little group. There are some that are hearing impaired. There are others with cerebral palsy who are in wheelchairs. There are some that are blind. Some have speech impediments. I know I am lucky to be as mobile as I am. I wear leg braces at home. I also have a cane for balance. I have a wheelchair when I get too exhausted to walk. Lately, my back has been hurting and my head feels like it weighs as much as a bowling ball. Yikes!

Any other polio survivors out there??? Or others with disabilities? Because I would love to hear from you. One of the other wonderful aspects of having post polio syndrome is the sleep apnea. I have a CPAP machine to help me breathe at night. It is a godsend.

I go to the doctor again soon. But what am I going to say? It's the same old thing again and again. Unless I get a new body, the complaints will be the same. What's the use? Who cares about those of us who have post polio syndrome???

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