Sunday, January 9, 2011

Move it and Lose it

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Yes, I have joined Dr OZ's weight loss program. I really enjoy his television show and I like how he breaks everything down so that I can understand. I am not particularly fond of diets and I have tried a few but nothing seems to work. I have gained weight over the last three years and I seem to have reached a plateau. I will lose a pound or two or gain another two pounds and still hover around the same weight. This year will be different.

The plan is very simple and it should take about one year to get to my goal weight. The meals are very sensible. And they encourage physical activities to get into shape. Now I have to be sensible and not injure myself. I have decided to use resistance bands one day and the next day I will do Yoga. The following day I will see if I can walk 20 to 30 minutes. I miss playing tennis. I have my rackets but no one to play with. So maybe later this will be an exercise that is something I will be able to do. In addition, I was given a caloric intake amount for my height and weight. I must log everything I eat and drink and it adds up the calories. It is amazing how one little flour tortilla is over 300 calories! Yikes!

The other thing going on right now is I missed an audition for Jesus Christ, Superstar. Now, I love that show and have always wanted to be in it. However, it is at our local community theater and I just don't have all that time to put into a show that is not paying anything. I talked to my agent and she told me what I already knew. Theater is good training for an actor. However, I am at the point in my career where I want to make some money and I can do that in television and films. I have missed opportunities to go on good commercial auditions because I was doing a play. I can't miss anymore opportunities like that. That means making the tough choices in my career. But this is my career and I have to take it seriously.

My clown classes are coming along nicely. I have received some good make up tips, learned how to make some animal balloons and am working on my character. I look forward to my other upcoming classes.

I received a letter from AFTRA. I am now an AFTRA must join. I have worked on several jobs last year at the union rate. That was great. And now I am eligible to join the union. The television shows are either AFTRA or SAG. For the first time ever, the majority of television shows are now AFTRA. So once I join, I will be eligible for submitting to AFTRA projects. I'm so excited. I remember when I received my letter from SAG that I was SAG eligible. It was so exciting. Joining both unions was a goal of mine and now it is within grasp.

Things are coming together for me and this is a very exciting part of my life right now. Believe me, this is such a competitive business. I remember all the people that encouraged me to keep going. If people only knew you have to go on ten auditions before you get one role. There is so much rejection. But if you keep your eye to the prize and do the work that it takes, you can move forward. I have several upcoming programs on television and it is nice to receive those checks in the mail. It is even more exciting to audition and win a role, and then perform it. I sent out thank you notes to all the casting directors that hired me last year. I want to thank them and remind them that I am ready and available to work for them as a professional actor.

My new business cards have come in and I am ready to hand them out. I am working on a new, healthier me and my bod will look better too. I am connecting with my girlfriends and looking forward to 2011.

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