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I woke up early and checked the site for actors and lo and behold they are looking for someone to be an Ewok. I could totally do this! The job works in Hollywood on Thursday so they are calling people in. I may get a call today! That would be awesome. I haven't had an audition for 2 weeks. I have noticed casting is picking up lately, it's just difficult if you don't fit into a category.
I remember one particular early morning, I left my hotel room at 7:00 a.m. and reported to Universal Studios lot. The air was fresh and clean, the street cleaners were out and there was not that much traffic yet. I had grabbed a morning cup of coffee from the hotel lobbey and was on my way. It was so exciting reporting to the set. Now when you're working the rule of thumb is hurry up and wait. You want to be on the set on time or preferably early. Report in, get in makeup and wardrobe and then sit and wait. It's a good time to chat with the other actors, meet some new friends, exchange cards and wait until we are needed.
One of the other films is casting 1800's time era people. Now, that it is Summer I have been thinking of doing some streaks of lighter color on my dark hair. But, if you work period costume shows like this film, no highlights please! They really want natural looking hair so that is why I have not done the streaks. Also my nails. Unlike some people, my nails grow really long and I have to cut them down. But depending on the role, sometimes I'll cut them all the way down to nothing. Doesn't matter, they grow back quickly anyway.
My last blog was a little angry sounding and I apologize for that but sometimes you just have to let off some steam, right? Writing has always been very therapeutic for me and it is better than smashing a windshield with a golf club right? Not that I have any golf clubs anyway, but you get my drift.
I am missing Las Vegas. Never thought I would say that but my brother lives there and I haven't been there in a few months. We always make a point to hang out, grab some lunch or an early dinner and catch up. He is an entertainer too! It's funny because when we were kids we would entertain our entire family. We would sing and dance and make jokes. I guess we both love to entertain. How many Latinos do you know who are siblings and both in the entertainment business? It's funny cause we both moved far away from home (Ohio) and moved out west.
Well, lots of folks out there still out of work, but keep the faith people. Things will get better, they always do. Americans are resilient! Say a little prayer for me, I know I could be an Ewok. Stay tuned!
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