Sunday, December 21, 2014

Let it Snow!

I am watching CBS News Sunday Morning and at the end of the program there are beautiful photos of snow falling.  I must admit the photos are amazing and for a moment I am back in time in the Ohio of my youth.  I loved waking up and looking outdoors at the Winter wonderland.  I also loved watching cats and dogs play out in the snow and eating snow.  It is a far cry from Winter in southern California.  The weather drops to 57 degrees and I am bundled up in my pajamas and blanket.  Excuse me while I place a log in the fireplace!  Brrr!!!! 

I spoke with my Mom the other day on the phone and she sounded a bit depressed.  It is always a difficult time of year for us because my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews are still in Ohio.  My parents like to come out West to see me as well as my brother who is in Nevada.  This year has been the first year that they have been unable to come out to visit us and I know that is weighing heavily on my mind as well.  I know there will come a time when either they or I will not be able to travel anymore and that will be hard.

Earlier this month I traveled to Nevada and when I was there last month I had forgotten how stressful traveling can be.  I momentarily thought of bringing my wheelchair but didn't want to bother anyone with it.  And I must be honest, I really didn't want anyone to see me in the wheelchair, either.  Oh, vanity!  And then of course I regretted it when I almost fell face forward in a Mall (twice).  It scared me because the first time I tripped over my own feet, I thought what was that?  And then when it happened again, I knew, okay this is my body saying you are overdoing it and pretty soon you will land on your ass in front of all these people.  

I told my husband the next time we travel, no matter what I say, we are taking the wheelchair.  And then we did take it with us.  And yes, people looked at me.  And yes, I was okay.  I didn't die.  I actually had more energy.  At first I didn't want to bring it into the hotel, I left it in the car. But then I realized I was not going to be able to make it through the hotel and the casino.  We called down to the front desk of the Luxor Hotel and explained the situation. They were so kind!  They sent someone up with a wheelchair and the Security man escorted me to the front entrance of the hotel to the Valet parking attendant where we picked up our car.  I didn't have to walk at all!

It was amazing how much better I felt.  Instead of pushing myself to try to look (normal), I used the devices I had at my disposal to save my strength for things like eating.  As a polio survivor we have to monitor our strength and not overdo things.  With assistive devices likes using my leg braces and wheelchair for long walks, I save a tremendous amount of strength. Although my arms are kinda weak.  It may look easy rolling yourself around in a wheelchair but trust me, it is not.  I did buy a nice large vinyl bag which attaches to the back of the wheelchair.  I can put my purse in there and small packages.  It saves my arms and then I am free to look around and enjoy myself.

I remember when I went to the doctor and talked with him about changing my lifestyle.  No more walking in the grocery store.  Ride the scooter, place the groceries in the cart. No more taking the groceries out of the car and into the house.  Have the other family members do that.  No more running the vacuum cleaner.  No more doing 4 loads of laundry.  Better to do 1 or 2 daily loads daily and then go rest.  Little changes mean I am not totally exhausted by the end of the evening.

I have to say dear readers, that I was really reluctant to share this aspect of my personal life with you all.  But, life changes and we must change too.  And as much as I would like to deny that this is my life today....this is my life today.  I loved being a dancer in high school.  I loved dancing in musicals.  I loved going on long walks, loved sledding in the winter time.  Loved going to the parks in the Fall and taking the children on nature walks.  I loved walking on the beaches of Key West, Bermuda and St. Thomas.  I loved traveling alone to London and walking in the shops, museums and riding the Underground in the city.  These are all memories now and I smile to myself that I was able to accomplish as much as I did.

Time for a cup of tea and another log in the fireplace.  Good Sunday morning.  Friend me on Facebook, private message me your address and I promise to send you a Christmas card.  

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