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Wow, I am coming down from my high on being a guest on the program, Disabled Radio. It was my first radio interview and if you listened in, thanks so much. My thanks to Rob Pritts who is the host of the show and to Vince Staskel who is the producer in NY.
I have to admit I was a wee bit nervous and had a glass of wine with me. Before I knew it, the hour program was over. I am hearing good things on my Facebook page so I guess I did okay.
I wanted to reiterate that being a Latina -- being a disabled person can be challenging but not impossible. There are opportunities out there but you have to work really, really hard. You have to believe in yourself. You have to know that as an actor or a performer if you are lacking in some area, get more training. Be confident and go after your dreams.
I have to give a shout out to the folks at Polio Today.org for their efforts in educating those with polio and their caregivers. They are on the web and on Facebook. Their web address is: www.PolioToday.org and they are there to help. I also have to thank my local polio support chapters in Hemet, CA and Riverside, CA. The folks down in San Diego, CA were also very helpful.
I want to thank my Editor, Abelardo at Latino LA for giving me an opportunity to write for the magazine and becoming a Contributing Writer. I love every minute!
I want to thank my mentors, Herbert Siguenza (Culture Clash member) and actor Hector Luis Bustamante for their support.
And finally to my family and friends for your support and love. I hope I am not too much of a pain in the behind.
And to those who listened in and sent in their questions, thank you so much. I have a huge audition tomorrow for NBC. So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Do we need to see more actors with disabilities on television -- internet -- and film? Absolutely!
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