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I wish I could say that I had five auditions this week and a callback or two. But the truth is I am hearing that it is slow. Here is a photo of me and Santa filming a Capital One commercial at Universal Studio. Don't you love my pointy ears? I had just gotten signed by my agent and the next month I had an audition at one of the biggest casting agencies in town. It was an easy audition and I got the gig. Two days work, great pay and a chance to work on a national commercial.
My friends are booking things here and there and if you get an opportunity to audition for a commercial that is a good thing. I need more! I had a dream last night that I was working on a film and got the scene in only 2 takes. That's very good. So maybe that is dream of things to come. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for me.
I am practicing my espanol, watching my diet and I am going to exercise today if it kills me. I am supposed to swim daily but it has been a little colder this week than last week and I didn't go. But I can do other things to get my heart pumping.
I went to several polio support group meetings . I attended a meeting in Hemet and one in Riverside. I also drove down to San Diego to meet their group. Everyone at all three locations were so kind. It was nice to see Rick again in Hemet and Judy in Riverside. I met Gladys in San Diego and she was so welcoming. Everyone seemed to know who I was already and that was a nice feeling. I'm sure I will see photos on the website soon and that is okay with me.
Big things going on for the family. My son had a milestone birthday. I felt bad because I did not see him. I thought he would go out with his girlfriend and actually he stayed home. My little grandson turned 2 years old and I couldn't see him either because he lives abroad. I wish my family were not so scattered all over the U.S. like we are.
Bottom line is this. I have many talents. Writing, interviewing people. Acting and all the other jobs I have done. I have skills. I am not going to give up on me and my dreams. I am creative and smart. I am financially very savvy. Show business is business first. I feel as though I am not utilizing all my skills as I should be. But I will get there. It ain't over for me. Hard work and talent will yield abundant fruit. But just to be safe, if you are Catholic, please light a candle for me.
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