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An audition, finally! It has been very slow for me lately. Too bad I'm not in the age group that is very popular right now 18 - 24. When I was that age I didn't have a clue about show business, modeling, money management. I did have some experience under my belt and some training but nothing of the caliber that I have now. Where are the rewards for experience?
I think I did pretty well so we shall see what happens next.
One of my friends and former teachers was going to be on an episode of No Ordinary Family and her scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. I felt so bad for her but that is happened to all of us at one point or another. She is so talented too so I am not worried for her because I know she will land on her feet.
Too bad about Jimmy Smits new series, Outlaw. It is not doing that well in the ratings and I think it will get canceled. If you watch the commercials, he looks so angry all the time. And who wants to watch an angry screaming guy? Not me. He was so good in the series Cane. Too bad that got cancelled because of the writing strike by the WGA.
It's good to see Tom Selleck back on TV again and I heard that his new series Blue Blood has gone through the roof. Good for him. Let's see an Irish Catholic family of cops, yup sounds like a winner to me.
Another good new series is Detroit 187 which I heard is actually filmed in Detroit. Love Michael Imperioli ever since he was on The Sopranos. Another cop film and I do like his character.
Here is hoping that the new series will bring more work into Hollywood and more work for us actors too. Don't like reality tv except for the Amazing Race!
And I actually filmed an episode of Pit Boss last year but it never got televised and probably never will. No worries. Once I become a big TV star, they will probably drag it out, dust off the spider webs and air it.
Oh, did you hear that George & Ann Lopez are getting a divorce? So sad. I remember interviewing him last year for the Kidney foundation. They were both there. She was giving an interview to someone else and I was standing in the wings. I heard the guy ask him if George was pretty well set in his career when they met and Ann said he didn't have $5 to his name. She was the one who was casting and he came in looking for a job. She said he didn't get the job but he did get her. I thought that was so sweet. I feel badly that another Hollywood couple has bit the dust.
My friends are working hard on their careers and I have to step up my game. It felt good to see the Hollywood sign, rehearse my lines and go in on an audition again. I just know that there is a job with my name on it. I just won't give up, it's not in my nature.