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It has been a very crazy few days and I have to remind myself to slow down because the mind is willing but the body says slow down, Lisa...
I was notified that I had two auditions. One was in San Diego and the other was in Los Angeles. I tried to make them both but of course I could not. I had to cancel the SD audition and was on my way to the LA audition when I received a new telephone call and had yet another audition in LA. Yay! I was very excited because I had headshots in my car, my make-up, several wardrobe changes and yes I was ready to go. I tell ya, I'm practically living out of my car right now.
So I have these auditions and was notified that I have been hired for a short film about our supreme court justices. And I get to play the honorable Sonia Sotomayor. I'm so excited and it's amazing how much I do look like her. I thought what the heck, I'll send my photo in. I am so amazed at all her accomplishments. So I will be working on this project within the next few weeks so stay tuned.
Acting class last night with actor/producer/director Dustin Nguyen. Do you remember him from the old tv show, 21 Jump Street? He is very nice and still very handsome. His wife Angela was there too. She is beautiful. He is a very good teacher and I am having a blast learning from him.
Well, there is a new show in town, the Tony award winning musical, In the Heights. I really want to see it and the wonderful musician, Keiko Matsui is coming into town again to one of my favorite wineries. So much to see and do and so little time.
Missing my family back home in Ohio and I told my sister Linda that when I make it big I am going to hire her as my personal assistant. She laughed but I was quite serious. I would love it to have someone help me schedule my day, make my appointments, take care of travel arrangements, maid service for my home, a pool man for my pool, a landscaper and of course, a driver. Who wants to drive on the 405? Not me, that's for sure.
I remember working background on a commercial for UPS. I was talking to this woman who was telling us tales of working with another background actor named Jim Carrey. He was entertaining everyone and wrote himself a check for $20 million dollars and now look. His belief in himself and his hard work and persistence has paid off. So you never know...
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