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Do we recognize opportunities when they come to us? Do we open the door to change or do we slam it shut?
I come upon so many people who want so many things for themselves and their families. They want a new job, a new adventure. They want change and yet when change is presented to them, they resist it. Now I am not a psychology major but I've heard that when confronted with change, most people run away from it. Sometimes change is good. Sometimes change is inevitable such as when a loved one is gone suddenly.
I remember being an extra in many films or television programs. I would always look at the principal performers. I am not talking about the major stars but the other principal performers who had a scene or came into the project with speaking parts. I would think to myself, I can do that. I saw a level of confidence that they had. I saw that they kept themselves separate from the other background extras. I never felt that they were being aloof, I just saw they were separate. Now I see that they were actually working. You have to concentrate on what you are doing. You have to prepare yourself mentally for an upcoming scene.
I had an upcoming scene in the music video I worked on. We were led into the room where we would be filming shortly. I took in the atmosphere. Made sure I knew where the cords were on the ground so I wouldn't trip and injure myself. I made note of the cameras, the way the lights were positioned. I quickly took in entire scene to see what the director had in mind. I also saw the positioning of the 3 background actors in the shot to see what their relationship was to the scene before my entrance.
From before the Director called Action, I was in character. I went to a place in my head and got into character. I recall that doing live theater helped me do this because the camera can pick up so much movement and even facial expression. I hear so many people say that doing theater does not help an actor, I disagree. It is great training for memorization, blocking, working with the other actors, character development and improving your craft.
Once Action was called, I stepped up my game. I feel really good about my performance and learn from each new Director. The Director complimented me in Espanol. While I did not understand exactly what he said because he spoke so quickly, it was something like, good job! I smiled. We did several more takes including close ups. I really thought there would be another take but we got the close up scene in one take.
It felt so good to be a part of the team. There were make-up and hair people, extras, grips, assistants, first and second director teams, etc. And the whole room became silent as I did my thing. You could almost hear a pin drop. It was really exciting and I think the first time that I really noticed that I became that person I wanted to be so long ago.
A make-up assistant came up to me and shyly asked me how did I get this part? How was my audition? How could I cry just like that? What acting techniques did I use? It reminded me of me six years ago when I was just starting to get work doing background work. I quietly and politely answered all of her questions. She thanked me profusely and allowed me to rest before the next scene.
When I asked Wisin y Yandel for a photo with them, one of the guys said to the other, she is a really good actress. That was so cool. I smiled and thanked him. Change is good. You just have to be really committed to it. It can be painful. You have to get out of your comfort zone. But the rewards are so worth it. I promise!