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Frida & Me is an original piece that I wrote about artist Frida Kahlo and her influence on my life. I will be performing this work on Saturday, October 10 at the Stella Adler theater in Hollywood for the Los Angeles Women's Project. They are having their second annual 20% New Works project. I believe I go on between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m.
I am very excited because this work is very personal to me. So not only have I written this, but I will be performing it and directing it as well. At one time I did consider having another actress perform this piece but it was too dear to my heart to give it to another actor.
This week is Tech week so I'll have to get in there and really give it my all. It has been very hectic because I just started rehearsals on another show that I will be doing in November. I will be at the Breath of Fire Latina theater until the end of November. Whew!
And to top that off I went to el doctor and I got my braces put on my little legs. Yup, I understand that I will need to wear these so that I keep up my strength, it will help my spine, shoulders, arms. At first I didn't want them. And then when it was explained that this is an aide, a tool to help me live a better life then I was okay with it.
It took some getting used to seeing myself in braces. And I'm still getting accustomed to them. I move more slowly now and I still need to get some proper shoes. But I know I'll get the hang of this. Then I'll have to move into seeing if I can get in the car and drive with them. Hmmm, think I'll wait awhile for that.
I had an audition for a feature film, low budget SAG film. There were so many Latinas in the group and we were all going out for the same part. It was a long way and then I got there at 1:10 and my call time was 1:45. I didn't get seen until 3:15. I was not very happy but what can you do? It warmed my heart to see so many Latinas all going out for the same part. And some of them were really good. I don't think I did that well, but the casting director said very good! But who knows maybe she says that to everyone once they are done. One thing I did notice was I really looked like the character. And I was glad I did. She gave me some good direction and I always learn from each audition, even if I don't get the part.
Frida & Me and then The Medea Complex. I am living my dream of being a working actor in Los Angeles.
Does anyone read these blogs? I wonder...I hope so. I hope that all the people who read these blogs would become followers. I don't want to be alone out here people. Be brave. Be like Frida, brave and fearless. If I can open up my heart, my thoughts and feelings to the universe then you can be brave and click on being a follower.
All my poetry, my songs, my acts, my interviews are part of who I am. I give it all. And sometimes its scary. And sometimes it sucks. And sometimes it's damn good. Because we only have this one life and while we are living we have to make each day count. And I have spent enough of my life giving to everyone else and being afraid to be me. And shame on me for wasting all those years and not thinking enough of myself to know that I matter too.
And I discovered that I like people, and I like to make people laugh. And I break out in song at inappropriate moments. And I get very quiet and I pick up a pen and start writing and then I can't stop. And it's all for you...so stay tuned.
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