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I was feeling very alone as I waited for my turn at the Los Alamos Rehabilitation Center in Downey, CA. I didn't know then this would turn into an original performance called Frida & Me. At first I was going to perform it alone with a photo of artist, Frida Kahlo but the more I thought about it, the more I knew I needed to cast an actress to bring Frida to life onstage.
I have been wanting to work with Diana Alvarez since seeing her perform in Hurricane in a Glass at the Breath of Fire Latina Theater in downtown Santa Ana. We stayed in touch and thankfully she was available for the show. I got to work by emailing her the script that I wrote and we made an appointment to meet at my home. We discussed characterization, the script, makeup and wardrobe. She was immediately onboard and I enjoyed getting her view point.
I found I really like directing! We arrived at the Stella Adler theatre in Hollywood early Saturday morning. I went over the light cues with the crew and we had a minimal set. I met with Diana -- we stopped to grab a quick bite to eat.
As actors, we do need to have some quiet time right before performing. We reported to our dressing room that we shared. We put on our costumes and then went to our quiet space. I reviewed the script. Diana was pacing the corridors.
Finally, it was time for us to go on. The act that went on before us was a hit! We heard the laughter from the audience over and over. The stage lights dimmed which was our cue to step onstage.
I went downstage left and Diana stepped downstage right. The light hit me and I started my monologue. I looked out into the darkness and could barely make out the audience. Then the light hit Diana and she looked like a statue of Frida that had come to life. She looked amazing.
I could feel the warmth of the stage lights on my face. I could tell that the audience was hanging on my every word. I felt right at home and forgot what it felt like to be onstage in front of a live audience. I loved every minute of it. At the end, when we held hands we heard a huge roar of applause.
I know Diana was so happy and so was I. How often do you get to write, direct and perform in a show in Hollywood? And at the prestigious Stella Adler theater? It was a dream come true, again! Because I did this last year too!
I want to keep writing -- and keep performing. I want to share my world with you. Thank you for your support. It was wonderful meeting the people and shaking their hands. It was wonderful to hear that they liked my show.
I say dream big! And tell people about your dreams, say them out loud. Bring them to fruition. Don't listen to negative people who want to put a damper on your dreams. If you don't believe in yourself and in your talent, no one else will either!
Here is a photo of the lovely Diana as Frida!
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