This is my very first blog. I'm very excited because words are my thing. I have the Bee Gees song Words in my head now. Yikes! I'm a private person and writing and keeping a journal has always been my way of sorting things out. It slows you down. It helps put things in perspective. Some folks just go for it and end up putting their foot in their mouth. I like to sit back, watch and learn.
This year and last year have both turned out to be interesting. So often you wish things would happen and then when they do some of us are not prepared. Others over think things. I sometimes wish I were a director, like a film director. But then there are so many responsibilities. A film director takes charge, knows what she wants and pulls everything together.
I'm not that together. Yet. But I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. So welcome, bienvenidos. Sit back -- watch and learn. Or put your foot in your mouth.
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