Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Audition for a Spanish Soap Opera

Oh my! Didn't learn Spanish till I went to college. Was always laughed at by my family because I couldn't understand a darn thing. So who would ever think I would get an audition for a telenovela? My agent said they wanted to do a Meet & Greet which sounded very promising. I assume when this happens they've looked over your headshot and resume. And I assume they want to see if you really look like your headshot. So many times I have been waiting to audition and I see others holding their headshots and they don't look anything like the person holding the photo. So I can just imagine what the casting folks are thinking!

You know in those Spanish telenovelas, the women are always screaming at each other and crying. Very dramatic. I asked the Casting director. Do you want screaming and crying? She said, "can you do that?" Of course, I can! I'm an actress! I should have said it in Spanish. Claro que si! Si se puedo!

Anyway, my headshot is only 1 year old and other than my hair being a little longer now (I'm trying to grow it out), I still look the same. I am very proud of myself because I am on a diet and I've lost 5 pounds in one week. Of course, I was ill and didn't feel like eating much. But I have been good and you know sweets are my weakness.

What is your diet, I know you are dying to know. Well, for breakfast I have a bowl of Special K. For dinner I have a can of tuna, six crackers, cottage cheese and a cup of hot tea. That's it! Nothing else but water or hot tea for the rest of the day. And I feel great. If I get hungry, I can eat some unsweetened jello. Or I can have a piece of fresh fruit, or a salad.

My goal is to lose 20 pounds. So 5 down and 15 more to go. Also, you do need to exercise. So I am swimming. Or I can do low impact yoga. Okay, enough about dieting and exercise.

Everyone at work was talking about Star Trek. I'm so excited, I can't wait to see it. If I had some extra money, I would totally buy the outfit from the costume shop and wear it to the opening. I might even have my photographer take photos of me outside the movie theater. That would be so awesome. Just once in my life, I 'd like to be a Trekkie and be proud of it, too. I can't wait to see Marlene Forte in the movie. When I interviewed her daughter for Latino LA magazine, she told me that the role was going to be very good. Ah, can't wait!

Live long and prosper!
and buenas noche

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