Friday, January 20, 2012

New Year, New Me

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My goodness, so much has been happening that I can't believe it is January. So here we are in a new year. I didn't think 2011 was bad at all. And I am hoping that 2012 will be even better. What do they say? Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. I am making lists and taking care of things so that I will have a good year.

October flew by with so many performances of the Wizard of Oz. Before I knew it, we were into November (resting) and lots of eating because of Thanksgiving. We had a visit from Tony, my brother-in-law who loves to visit and he loves my cooking.

Then before we knew it December was here. We didn't even put up our Christmas tree till December 19. That is how crazy everything was. I have a six foot tall artificial tree. And I decided that even though my son is away and cannot visit, that I would still try to be cheerful and decorate the tree. Once I did, then I actually did feel better. I made a fabulous Christmas dinner of turkey, ham and all the fixings. The gifts were few but heartfelt. My brother actually came for Christmas this year. I have been inviting him for years and he finally came. I was so thrilled. I think he loved waking up to mimosas, scrambled eggs, ham and homemade muffins. We had a great time and a quiet new year's eve.

In December, I had an audition out of the blue for a national commercial for a major client. Then, I had a callback! And I booked the job! Even though it was only for background, it is still a national commercial. We didn't film until January but that was okay. We shot the commercial for two days at Sony studios. It was great fun and I made some new friends. It is a fabulous way to kick off the new year.

So my resolution this year is to stay on top of business! I felt like last year was such a blur. And this year I vow to stay on top of things more. We have a new baby on the way. My career is going well. I am writing more and actually just wrote a one act play. My voice lessons are going great and I am looking forward to more auditions and more opportunities to be involved in film projects.

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