Monday, October 3, 2011

Three Films in One Year!

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Well, rehearsals are coming along nicely. I had a few days off and then back to rehearsing on the weekend. After Saturday's time I went to a party. I ended up leaving at 12:30 and went to bed at 2:00 a.m. I haven't done that in a long time. I made sure to only have one glass of wine so I was not drinking and driving.

I do end up doing quite a bit of dancing after all. Fortunately, there are no difficult steps. Being a dancer is one thing, being in the chorus is something else. We are dancing too but not like the dancers. They are center stage and doing difficult dips, waltzes and ballet moves. It's coming along beautifully.

My partner is an older gentleman who has many years experience as a dancer and choreographer. He has even danced in some shows in Las Vegas and on several cruise lines. He will make me look good! Thank you, Jim! Plus he is very nice. One of the little girls had a birthday the other day and we all sang happy birthday to her. Per parents surprised her with several boxes of cupcakes which she shared with all of us. And that was just great because I realized I had not eaten all day and that cupcake tasted pretty good.

Now I know you are wondering, how can you forget to eat all day? Well I get up kinda late (8:30 a.m.) and I have my morning coffee. I don't like to eat breakfast so I usually skip unless I'm craving protein so I will usually boil an egg. Then I go onto house cleaning, doing laundry, running errands. Then take a warm bath, get dressed and go to rehearsal. We rehearse for 3 or 4 hours. Then I come home, watch late night tv, eat a bowl of cereal and go to bed. Then I get up the next morning and do it all over again. Needless to say, I keep hearing songs from the show in my head all the time.

I am looking forward to the screening of the film, White T. We are waiting for the film to be finished, it is in post production right now. When the screening is scheduled, I will be invited along with the other actors to walk the red carpet. I have come along way from working on background on television and film projects to actually have a role in a feature film. So I will let you know more once I know more. My contract says that I have to make myself available for any additional pick up scenes, interviews and advertising of the film. No worries so long as it does not interfere with my current production.

And I did another film earlier this year, Attack of the 30 Foot Chola which is also in post production. And I did another film, Lean Like A Cholo. Wouldn't it be something if all three films were released this year? This is turning out to be another great year for my acting career and I know next year will be even better.

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