Friday, April 15, 2011

Oye Vey!

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It's been crazy ever since Sunday. Mom and Dad arrived safely into LAX. I picked them up and brought them home with me. It's so nice to see them again. They rested on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday we filmed my scenes in the film, Lean Like A Cholo. It was a really funny scene. I play a blind, old woman. And wow they changed my hair to totally gray. And I wore an old lady nightgown. Hilarious! I heard from the Director today who said I was great in the film. Hey, as long as he is happy then I am happy!

On Thursday, I played tour guide and showed them all around San Diego. They always love coming to San Diego. And I wanted to take them on a studio tour here in LA but they wanted to hit the road and go to Vegas.

My brother has them for the next two weeks. They always love being with him as he spoils them so. That is fine because I have auditions to go to -- kitties to take care of -- and an acting class here and there.

One of my fellow actor friends from the Starbucks commercial contacted me today but I couldn't talk to him as I was driving to Vegas. Don't want to get a moving violation ticket.

Wow, all of a sudden I am tired. I love having guests but it's nice to relax when they leave too. This weekend will be hot, we are expecting 90 degrees. So time to open up all the windows -- and enjoy the smell of the sweet roses.

Time to study my lines for an audition tomorrow!!!

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