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Whew, what a week. Busy as always and guess what? It is Elf time again. Took some new photos in elf attire and hoping to land some SAG commercials. It's a great time of year to hire some elves to help Santa!
I had an audition on Saturday for a short film. The role called for a woman to be either homeless or in a shelter. And she may or may not be crazy. Right? So guess what? I killed it. I had two pages of sides. Not memorized but I felt pretty good about the lines and the character. I went in dressed on the dowdy side and no makeup at all. If you are homeless, you don't care what you look like. There were about 5 people in the room but I didn't let that throw me. I asked a few question about my character then proceeded. Next thing I know the director asked me to do it again but this time standing up and I read with the writer. I think it went really well and I could tell they were very excited. I haven't felt that good about an audition since I auditioned for the play, The Medea Complex. I was thrilled driving home and I sure hope I get the role. It starts shooting in November which is just around the corner. I will let you know...
The episode of Dexter that I auditioned for was on tv today. It's funny because I freaked myself out and did a terrible audition. There were 4 lines in Espanol and I totally flubbed them. And to top it off, when I saw the episode tonight the woman who got the role only said 2 lines. Now whether they cut them because they changed the dialog or perhaps they cut them because she couldn't speak any English, I don't know. But to think I came this close to landing a part on Dexter. ugh! Oh well, that job was not mine. It's too bad too because that would have given me an opportunity to work with David Zayas whom I interviewed awhile back. He is very nice and it would have been great to share some screen time with him.
Everyone I talk to tells me how slow it is right now. I am actually thinking working as an Extra right now just for the cash. My friends tell me I shouldn't do it but hey acting is acting. And some money is better than no money.
Trying to keep my attitude positive and I do feel like there has been a shift in the planets or something. Good things will come my way soon, I can just feel it. I just want to be able to pay my rent, eat at a nice restaurant once in awhile, see my friends and perform on stage. I don't that is asking too much of life right now. Oh and a job. I need a job!!!
I saw an old film with Edie Falco today. She looked so young and you know, she just filled the entire screen. Just love her and look at her fine work in The Sopranos and now in Nurse Jackie.
What is happening in Las Vegas? Well, I was supposed to go there 2 weeks ago but then my plans fell through. But I've heard that no one was winning on the casino floors. And hotel prices are plummeting, trying to get folks to come to Vegas. Unemployment is still bad and folks are still losing their homes to foreclosures. Is anyone winning in Vegas? Doesn't look like it. So my advice is this. Hang onto your cash. You'll thank me someday.
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