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Yay! I am booked on a regional commercial! Although I will be background, it still is a paying job. I will be a customer in a Sizzler commercial that we are filming in San Diego. The commercial has a run date of 2 years. And lunch is included! I love Sizzlers and we were just there for lunch last week. I love the 6 ounce steak with the salad bar. Yum!
Well, I haven't heard anything yet from the film which I auditioned for on Saturday. I thought I did a great job. The film shoots the second week of November which is just around the corner so I hope I hear some good news soon. I will keep you posted.
I sent some new photos including this one on this site to my Agent. She liked them (I sent two different photos). And I am hoping that they will land me some elf jobs soon. A girl has to eat, right?
I'm hearing more and more about how artists really need to write their own material and cast themselves and I think this is true. But, I am at a writer's block right now. I hate that. Can't push it, though. I do think I am a good comedy writer and perhaps should think of writing for someone else. Hmmm, just a thought.
I am looking forward to getting together with some of my girlfriends for lunch, movies, wine and some laughs. You know who you are, Paula, Susan and Rebecca! I miss my friend Pam who moved back to New Orleans. I've never been there but when I go, I am looking forward to that southern cooking.
Well, I'm trying to shake this head cold that I've had for the last week. Nothing worse than showing up on the set when you're ill. I have cold tablets, throat lozenges and tissues ready to throw in my purse.
Do you believe Charlie Sheen is in trouble again??? What is wrong with that guy? I think he is a drug addict big time and someone should commit him before he self destructs. Finally, someone says it like it is. As long as the studio keeps looking the other way, he is going to continue his self-destructive behavior for the real cameras that are rolling. What a waste of time to continue filming his antics. At least Robert Downey, Jr. had some real talent. Charlie Sheen is going down the toilet and it is his own fault.
Speaking of drugs, I worked with actor Tom Sizemore once. Okay, he was the star of Robbery/Homicide and I was just an extra on the set. But I did get to talk to him between scenes and told him how much I liked his work on the old film, Heart & Souls. He was so good. And he laughed and said that was a loooooong time ago. And then when I was working as a Production Assistant at Movido TV, he worked with us on a short film project. He is trying to get his career back. And I hope he does, because he is a big talent. I said Mr. Sizemore you probably don't remember me but we worked together once. He was so sweet and we took a photo together. I would add the photo but I worked on the set all day and was exhausted and was not wearing makeup. So see if you have talent and ask for help, folks will help you. But if you continue to blow all the chances you get and abuse your body, you will get flushed down the toilet. Are you listening Lindsay Lohan???
Some of us actually have to work really hard and get training and pay our dues to get a chance to work in show business. It is not handed to us like Paris Hilton. And I don't mind working hard and I don't mind paying my dues. Because I won't compromise who I am to get a job in Hollywood.