On this date 47 years ago, our beloved President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It was a terrible day and to many of us our innocence was lost on that day. Why does it seem that whenever we get a good person to speak up for the common people that their voices are then silenced?
Our country is being taken over by corporations. Don't believe me? Who runs ABC? Disney Corporation. Who runs NBC? General Electric Corporation. Who runs FOX? Rupert Murdoch Industries. What happened to newspapers? They are going by the wayside for the internet. Who runs Google? Who runs Facebook? What are their interests? Do you really believe that journalists are given free speech anymore?
Watch the evening news with ABC, CBS and NBC. You know what you get? The same stories told 3 different ways but in essence saying the same things. You watch FOX and all you get is Obama bashing. Why do the journalists get 2 day suspensions for donating to the candidate of their choice when Rupert Murdoch gives $1M to the GOP? Why? Because he owns and runs FOX any damn way he chooses and can say anything that he wants. Is that freedom of the press? I don't think so.
If anyone doesn't think our country is being handled by the corporations, think again. And as an actor do you know what really pisses me off? It pisses me off that television is the babysitter of the people. Why do movies like Jackass make all that money? Why do we watch crap like Dancing With the Stars? The Next American Idol? Because they (the corporations) want us to be lulled into a false sense of security that all is right with the world and why don't we just go shopping? At Starbucks, Macy's, Target, Wal Mart, etc.?
Why care about what is really happening in the world when we can just go shopping? Because they are counting on the fact that most people don't give a damn about their fellow man. Most people just want to put their heads in the sand and give up their rights to civil rights like free speech, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Where were you when President George W Bush gave away your civil liberties by shoving the Patriot Act down our throats? When was the last time your Congressman or Senator actually voted for something that you wanted? Most of the time they vote for something that will benefit them directly or for something that the lobbyists have pushed for. And don't forget that the lobbyists are hired by the corporations. Didn't we as voters have a voice? Nope, we don't.
And Meg Whitman was defeated even though she tried to buy the governorship in the State of California. Her hypocrisy was her downfall. The hypocrisy of those in power in the City of Bell was their downfall. And now they are paying the price. If it wasn't for good reporting by good journalists, then Meg Whitman's hypocrisy would not have been brought to light. Good reporting brought down the bad guys in the City of Bell.
So yes, people turn off the mindless television sets. Do you really want to watch 10 commercials in a row where they all say buy, buy, buy? Aren't we as a country in debt enough? Why aren't there any commercials that say save, save, save?
As an actor, I am just trying to make a living doing what I love to do which is acting. But it is just that, acting. I have a life outside of the business world of acting. I care about my country and I care about my family. But guess what? I care about your family, too. I care about our education system and the fact that kids today aren't as smart as we were. I care about crime. I care about police being fair and honest and not thumping someone over the head just because that person has brown skin or black skin.
I care about the homeless and the hungry in our country. That's right, in our country. Let the other nations of the world care for their own. Wake up people! There are too many real problems in our country that need to be fixed. And they need to be fixed by good, caring, law-abiding citizens. Turn off the television and the video games and start doing something today to lift up your family, your neighborhood, your friends and neighbors. And how about those less fortunate who sit lonely in nursing homes and the youth of today who are jobless and hungry?
Volunteer somewhere. Anywhere. A nursing home, a food shelter, your local church or the county library. There are seniors who would love a visit. There are hungry people in the streets. There are those who are struggling with addiction. There are children who need to learn how to read. Please do something than just sit idly by.
I volunteer at the library. I volunteer at our local PFLAG because I feel that parents who are struggling to accept their gay son or daughter need help and understanding. I think gay teens are having a difficult time coming to terms with who they are and I'm tired of reading that another child committed suicide because they didn't see any other alternative.
My mother worked at a nursing home for years where she saw neglect for the elderly. I worked for years at the Salvation Army where I saw the hungry come in every morning for a hot cup of coffee and a kind word. Believe me, it humbles you and makes you thankful for a nice home, family members and a warm place to sleep at night.
This Thanksgiving, this Christmas don't spend, don't buy. Go against the corporations who are trying to bankrupt all of us so that they can be more profitable. What does all of this have to do with President Kennedy? Well, I believe he was trying to show us a better way to become better citizens. Let us be smart enough to make our country accountable. If you don't know the constitution, read it again. Our rights are being trampled on by the corporations and our elected officials are looking the other way. Want to see one of the biggest people who takes money from the corporations? Sarah Palin. She is a puppet to them. And she doesn't care because her pocketbook is getting quite full. She does not have the leadership skills, she does not inspire anyone to be better citizens. Don't believe me? How many new books does she have being published? How much does she charge for speaking fees? Who does that benefit?
Wake up people, before it's too late.