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I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I think I started writing my first novel in grade school. I'd start and then stop. I'd show my best friend how many chapters I had written. She'd like it. I'd lose confidence and then stop writing altogether. Vicious cycle.
I remember my friend was going to UCSD and they were asking women of color to send in writing material for their new publication. I submitted a story I had written about women who have been sexually abused and called it "Broken Dolls". It was accepted and published. I was so proud.
I was not aware that it would create such a ripple. Everyone wanted to know who I was. Women who had never told anyone their personal horror stories were suddently reaching out to each other and to me. I opened up a can of worms and I didn't even know it.
I felt ill equipped to deal with their pain because I was dealing with my own issues of childhood sexual abuse. My first instinct was to flee. When you are abused physically, mentally, emotionally but especially sexually you really have intimacy issues later on in life. I still find it difficult to reach out to people and to trust them.
You can imagine my surprise when I heard that there is a film coming out entitled, "Broken Dolls". How can that be? I do hope that someone hasn't stolen my stories and put them out there into a film. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. But at least give me credit for an original idea.
As I said, it's difficult to trust anyone! Sexual abuse is bad enough but to steal someone's idea to make money for a film is just disgusting. I hope that I'm wrong, but I don't think that I am. It's a sad world.
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