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The play is going well and I wanted to upload a photo to get an idea of what the play is about. Jason & Medea have a love affair and Medea kills their two young daughters. Why? Well, that is my job as a reporter to find out why a mother would commit such a heinous act. I play the role of Gertrudis Hernandez, a reporter who has lost her edge and must find it again. The script is amazing and kudos to the playwright, Patricia Crespin.
Last week, my sister Linda and her husband Phil came to California to visit. They were able to attend the show. And then we took several days to visit our brother in Las Vegas. We saw him working too! He is also an entertainer and is part of the latest production by Frank Marino and his latest show, Divas Las Vegas! We all had a great time and had some wonderful food at the Mandalay Bay and Bootleggers Italian restaurant.
I came home on Friday morning, did a Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday matinee. Very tired but happy as I love, love, love acting!
For more information on the play go to the Breath of Fire website: