I love to read the local newspaper each morning. It's a comfortable part of my morning routine along with chatting with my husband over a cup of coffee. When I first started thinking of writing professionally, I emailed one of the local contributing writers whose work I admired. He was very supportive. He gave me some words of wisdom when he said to "be kind". He wrote an unflattering piece about a nearby community. Although there were some truths to what he wrote, in retrospect, he said he could have been kinder. His words have always stuck in my mind when I review shows and when I interview guests.
I may not always like what I see on stage. I may not agree with the person that I'm interviewing. But I do have respect for all the work that is involved in putting on a play or a production. I know many times actors don't even get paid for their work.
It's called paying your dues. As actors, we work in student films, spec films, indie films and director reels for no pay. We do, however, get the experience of working in front of the camera. And we build relationships. And that is priceless.
This sounds like Acting 101 and I don't wish it to be so. I think acting and real life go hand in hand. Sometimes though, I wish we could be kind and rewind. For example, I was driving down the road on my way to the bank. I was feeling happy until a woman in a very large SUV cut me off in traffic and proceeded to cut off two other vehicles. She could have caused three accidents and she was completely unaware. As she was parking her vehicle, I yelled out the window to her. "Someone should teach you how to drive". She yelled back at me, "You have a lot of nerve, you little chili pepper". That was when I realized her children were with her and one of them said, "Mommy, why is that lady yelling at you"?
So now, I just turn up the radio and sing along to whatever is playing instead of yelling at Moms in SUVs who call me names in front of their children. Okay, maybe that was a bad example.
Or I could tell you the story of how a friend of mine had an affair with a married man who happened to be a Police Sergeant. No, never mind. Be kind, rewind. Don't have affairs with married men, ladies. It never works out. Except you don't get parking tickets anymore. Well maybe it works out, just a little.
Okay, let's summarize. Be kind to Moms in SUVs. Don't have affairs with married men, even if they do look great in a police uniform. And before you say or do something that you'll regret later, be kind, rewind. Think it through and then proceed with caution!